Articles Tagged 'internet explor'

Spira Icons Don't Appear When Running on Internet Explorer 11.0 in v5.x

A couple of our customers have run into a situation where the new font-based glyph icons that we're using in Spira 5.0 don't display. This is usually due to a configuration issue within IE itself, this article provides the recommended solution.

Testing Popup Windows using Internet Explorer

When you are testing a web application that has popup windows (where the popup is a whole new browser window) you will need to make a slight change to the test script to enable it to playback successfully in Internet Explorer (no change is needed for Chrome or Firefox).

Choosing the Web Browser in Rapise from SpiraTest / SpiraTeam

When writing a web test in Rapise you will often want to run the same test script in all three web browsers (IE, Firefox and Chrome). You will want to be able to choose the Test Script from within Rapise when debugging the test and then from a Test Set in SpiraTest when you move the test into production. This article explains the process.

This article is obsolete. For modern way of running Rapise tests in multiple browsers please refer to Rapise 8.0: how to run test cases on different browsers.

Enable TLS 1.2 in Internet Explorer 8, 9 or 10

If you have disabled TLS 1.0 and 1.1 encryption protocols on your IIS web server, you may run into issues accessing the web interface of Spira or KronoDesk from older versions of Windows and/or IE.

After installing Windows Update KB3025390 Rapise No Longer Connects to IE
An old (December 9th, 2014) security update for Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer (KB3025390)  broke the support in IE for 'out-of-process' code execution. This effectively prevented an automated testing application such as Rapise from automating Internet Explorer (IE) applications. This was subsequently fixed by Microsoft on February 10th, 2015 with the KB 3021952 update.